Understanding God's Wrath and the Path to Redemption

Why Is the World Under God's Wrath? The message today speaks directly to a universal truth rooted in the Word of God: the world is under God’s wrath because of sin. To those willing to listen, the Spirit is revealing why humanity finds itself in this state and how God, in His infinite mercy, provides a path to salvation. From the beginning, sin has been at the core of humanity's separation from God. In Genesis 2:17, God gave Adam and Eve a clear command: “You shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you do, you will certainly die.” However, they disobeyed and, in doing so, sinned against God. This act of rebellion introduced spiritual death—a separation from God—even though their bodies remained alive. Sin, like a rotten fruit, renders humanity unworthy and unusable in its natural state. But what seems impossible for man—restoring the “rotten fruit”—is possible with God. His power and mercy can transform the sinful into the righteous. We see this ...